Profile of Taoranju Group
2016-08-04 10:50:10

In 1995, Taoranju started from nothing but five tables in Baishiyi Town, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. It has now developed into a big private enterprise after 20 years, involving catering, eco-breeding, breakfast & snack cold-chain logistics, chain business, leisure and sightseeing agriculture, rural construction, ancient courtyard hotels, cuisine schools, and investment in Hanhua Financial Holding, USUM and Fumin Bank, with 83 Chinese food chain restaurants nationwide. Our Group employs 20,000 people, 90% of whom are rural migrant farmers, 70% young people and 65% women, spurring 100 000 jobs along our industry chain, and creating 1000 jobs a year. We grossed RMB 2.58 billion in sales in 2015.

Raw materials bases have been set up in "company + base + farmer" order agriculture model in such counties as Rongchang Qijiang, Dazu, Wulong, Chengkou, Tongnan, Jiangjin, Pengshui, Zhongxian, etc., with more than RMB 200 million of annual agricultural product purchase.

From 2012, Yan Qi, Chairwoman of our Group, member of the National Committee of CPPCC, vice chairman of the Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce, chairman of the Board of catering trade of the Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), took the initiative in the establishment of Chongqing Catering Culture Industry Investment Group, leading 36 women enterprisers to set up the Chongqing Hot-Pot Feast Museum Industry Investment Group, established the Chongqing Grand Canal Logistics Industry Investment Group, and the Chongqing Local Specialty Trading Center. By means of joint development, we have integrated upstream and downstream enterprises, reduced the intermediate links of production and marketing and achieved industrial chain quality resources and friend-sourcing sharing, complementary advantages and common development.
Taoranju donates RMB 200,000 each year to the Chongqing Municipal Women's Federation for the establishment of a new “Taoranju Flower Bud School", totaling 17 schools now. We create jobs or accesses to start a business for poor college students, actively participate in the undertaking of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, earthquake relief and flood relief; express gratitude to officers and men of fire brigades, armed police, garrison command, etc. Up to now, our donations have amounted to over RMB 20 million.

Taoranju Group was awarded over 100 provincial and national honors, including "China’s well-known trademark" by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce, "the National Excellent Organizations on Migrant Workers" by the State Council, "China Top 10 catering brand enterprises" by the Ministry of Commerce, "China youth entrepreneurial practice base", "national excellent organizations of rural youth transfer employment", "college students’ job-getting & business-starting internship base" by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the female college students business-starting practice base by the "May 4th Red Flag Youth Corps Committee and the All-China Women's Federation, the outstanding private enterprise of national employment and social security by the Ministry of Labor and Employment Security, the national May 1 labor certificate by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Award with One Heart· top 10 common wealth responsibility private enterprises" by the United Front Work Department of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Chongqing demonstration organization in factory affair publicity & democratic management in 2014, “Chongqing outstanding private enterprises”, the specialty top 10 brands of China F & B top 100, top 30 of Chongqing agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, top 50 private enterprises in Chongqing by the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and the Chongqing Municipal People's Government in 2015, to name just a few. 

Yan Qi and Her Main Posts at Different Organizations  and Some Honorary Titles

Main posts:
Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
Member of the Standing Committee of the All-China Federation of Youth
Executive member of the National Women’s Delegates Conference  
Executive member of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
Member of the Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association
Vice President of China Youth Entrepreneurs Association
Social supervisor on the quality of tourist service of China National Tourism Administration
Representative of the Conference of Outstanding Chinese Youth
Vice chairman of China Cuisine Association  
Vice chairman of the Hotpot Commission of China Cuisine Association
Vice Chairman of the Special Commission of Industrial Association
Representative of Chongqing People’s Congress
Vice Chairperson of Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce  
Chairperson of Chongqing City Food Chamber Commerce
Supervisor specially invited by Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau  
Supervisor specially invited by the Chongqing General Fire Brigade  
Supervisor specially invited by Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, 
Procurator specially invited by Chongqing People’s Procuratorate
President of the Supervisory Board of USUM Investment Group
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chongqing Taoranju Group
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chongqing Hotpot Feast Museum PTE,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chongqing Grand Canal Logistics and Industry Investment Group
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chongqing Native Products Trading Center Ltd. Company
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chongqing Catering & Culture Investment Group  
Part of more than 100 honorary titles at the levels of the State, provinces and municipality directly under the Central Government:
National woman pacesetter (the only woman winning such an honor)
National female model worker performing meritorious service and making a distinguished career 
National “female model worker rendering meritorious service”
One of “Ten National Models Achieving Prosperity as Farmers, in Rural Areas and in respect of Agriculture”, the first session of an appraisal event organized by CCTV
 “Chinese Youth May Fourth Medal”
 “First session of Chinese Youth Entrepreneurship Award”
 “First session of Chinese Young Entrepreneurs Management Innovation Award”
 “National May 1st Labour Medal” (the first time that this medal was presented to a private enterprise by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949)
One of “National Ten Model Knowledge-based Workers”
 “Excellent Builder of the Socialist Cause with Chinese Characteristics”,
 “China’s Children Charity Award - Moving Spring Bud Project” (the only award winner in Chongqing),
Image Ambassador of Chongqing
 “First Session of Ten Excellent Young People in Chongqing Municipality”
 “Chongqing Municipality Youth May Fourth Medal”
 “Special Award of the First Session of the Appraisal of Ten Chongqing Women Making Outstanding Contribution”
First Session of the Appraisal of Ten Chongqing Women Making Innovation in Chongqing”
 “Heroine in the Construction of Chongqing since It has Been Listed as a Municipality Directly under the Central Government Ten Years Ago”  
 “Award of Contributing to the Rejuvenation of Chongqing”
Star of Chongqing for Contributing to the Welfare of Children
First Session of the Award of “Ten Entrepreneurs Assuming Responsibility for Poverty-Relief Efforts”
The Award of Person Making Meritorious Service to the Development of China’s Hotpot Industry in the Past Ten Years”,
 “The Most Influential Entrepreneur in China’s Catering Industry”
“Endorser of China’s Hotpot”
 (Part of 100 group honorary titles at the levels of the State, provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government)
Taoranju Group was awarded the title of “China Time-honored Trademark”   by Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce
The award of “National Pace-setting Unit for the Work Related to Farmer-laborer” presented by the State Council
The first session of the award of “China’s Ten Catering Brand Enterprises” presented by the Ministry of Commerce
Title of “Practice and Entrepreneurship Base for Chinese Youth” awarded by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League  
 “National Pace-setting Unit for Employment Transfer of Rural Youth”
 “Employment, Entrepreneurship, and Internship Base for College Students”
Title of “Entrepreneurship and Practice Base for Female College Students” awarded by May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee and All-China Women’s Federation
Title of “National Pace-setting Private Enterprise in Providing Employment and Social Security” awarded by Ministry of Labor and Social Security
 “National May Day Labor Certificate of Merit” issued by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions
 “Award of One Heart - Ten Private Enterprises Assuming Responsibility for Achieving Common Prosperity” issued by Chongqing Municipal Committee United Front Work Department and Chongqing Administration for Industry and Commerce
The 2014 demonstration unit of disclosing factory affairs and exercising democratic management in Chongqing Municipality
The Award of 2015 “Excellent Private Enterprise of Chongqing Municipality” granted by Chongqing Municipality Party Committee and People’s Government of Chongqing Municipality
Ten Top Brands with Distinctive Characteristics among 100 Excellent Catering Enterprises in China
One of 30 excellent leading enterprises in Chongqing in terms of agricultural industrialization
One of 50 excellent private enterprises in Chongqing

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